Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Week 16 Family Picture

I had no idea how hard it was to get family photos when you have a young child. Here's one we finally managed to squeeze out. We are at Buca's, waiting for our meal to arrive, and struggling to keep her entertained. The glasses, pictured in the forefront, get removed immediately after the photo, but the Parmesan cheese---a goner. She and her cousin Addison empty two cheese shakers in 20 minutes on the table top, and I'm left debating whether or not the label on my sweater which says "dry clean only" is for real.


SJG said...

Have you thought about putting a helmet on your head with a webcam attached? That way anytime you are looking at her you'll capture some footage. Problem solved! Okay, so your hair might be a perfect mess but...

Clifton said...

Tamara, the baby is cute and all, but what is that right above your head? :)

Tamara & Rob said...

That's my new hat. Like it? It's totally in this season. Tamara