Friday, August 22, 2008

Returned Home Safely with Gia

Just a quick hello to let everyone know we returned safely with Gia last Friday night. Ethiopia was great and meeting her was amazing. Unfortunately I have little time to spend on postings as she is currently "high need" (or "high touch" -- the term we use at work for demanding people). She is beautiful, healthy, and well, a toddler who is teething. She has attached to me, and is working on attaching to Rob. She likes to be carried 24/7, held when she eats, held when she sleeps, held when she bathes, and likes physical contact when she plays. This is not uncommon in internationally adopted toddlers---we are working on it, but it may take some time for her to break physical contact with me. In the meantime, I have only a few minutes to post some pictures.


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Sue said...
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