Friday, December 7, 2007

Waiting, Waiting, Waiting

Waiting, waiting, waiting. Every day we wait. What are we waiting for? The call. What call? The call, you know, the life-altering, show-stopping, pack-your-bags, check-your-bank-account call. The call that lets us know who the new person in our life will be. Boy? Girl? A tiny baby? A toddler? Will it be one child, or two? Will he/she/they be healthy or not-so-healthy? Will they be cute? Doesn't matter. Will they be sweet? Doesn't matter. Will they like us? Hmm, now that's a sensitive topic.

Don't get me wrong. Our life is complete and we don't really need this to happen. I'm not really obsessing about it. But I do wonder. Every day I have tiny thoughts of what the call will bring, and I wonder. Maybe our life isn't complete and I don't know it. Maybe this will be harder than I think, maybe it will be better than I think. Sometimes I just don't know what to think, and so I don't. I push it aside and I don't allow myself the indulgence of thinking about it too much, because I don't want to be disappointed that the phone hasn't rung yet.

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