I am now following a migraine diet, which means all my Diet Coke is stashed in a secret place to be unleashed when I prove this diet doesn't work. In the meantime, my daughter found the secret place and started carrying two cans of DC around the house, unbeknown to me. How does that happen, you ask? You try carrying a pile of folded laundry from one side of the house to the bedroom with a toddler in tow. Oh sure, I could see her head, but that's it. Nothing else was visible over the mound of freshly folded laundry, and I certainly wasn't going to arch my head to see--that would totally destroy the delicate balance.
In any event, Gia made her way to our bedroom, and I can only deduce by the crime scene, shook up the two cans of DC, clanked them together, at which point, they punctured and exploded onto our white carpet. Smart girl that she is, she quietly resumed her spot at my side, and said nothing.
When I saw the DC carnage (again, on our white carpet), I freaked out!! I was careful to direct my shock to the carpet, and not Gia, but it was complete and totally maniacal moaning and screeching. Then came the race against time---sop up the carpet before it stains. Quick as a cougar I raced to the kitchen, got water and supplies, raced back to the bedroom, and started scrubbing harder than I've ever scrubbed in all my 26 years (oops, did I say 26?). Meanwhile, Gia stood by and stared. And then her compassionate side kicked in and she started rubbing me while I scrubbed the carpet. At this point, the whole thing was so ridiculous that I collapsed on the carpet and started laughing. Gia started laughing too, and we left the the rest of the stain for Daddy to clean up. Which of course he did--meticulously. All told, the carpet doesn't look too bad!
Attached is a picture of my lover, whom I'm sure I'll reunite with soon.
People lie on Gia. I vote for the Coke-Tastrophe post to be taken down. I am representing
her in court for this act of slander. Winn (aka Quinn) did it. She is a compassionate
loving girl who has been taken down by the man-dog.
Please check the DC can for paw prints and tooth marks. Have your people call my
Hilarious story! Glad you are taking it in stride. Wish I had known about where
to direct my anger years ago....
Did I read it right that you're trying to avoid caffeine? I'm living proof that it can be done. After 26 years of life, I finally decided to kick the habit over the summer, and am now going on 4 months caffeine free. Joel (not Steph)
BTW, I'm glad all got worked out on the carpet cleaning.
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