Thought I would show you a few of her play date buddies. The little blond girl is Anya, the strawberry blond boy is Thomas, and of course, the mischevious older boy is her cousin Addison. These are not all of her play date buddies, just the regulars. Moms, I have found, are a tight knit community and do lots of things like play dates, classes, parks, and DVDs, to prevent themselves from going crazy secondary to lack of adult interaction. Gia and Thomas got into a physical fight over a toy on Tuesday. I thought it was hilarious and wanted to see who won, but the other, more responsible mother, stopped them. I guess that's the right thing to do (whatever).
Her big developmental milestone this week is being able to console herself when she wakes from sleeping. This is huge!! At least three times in the past week she's woken up from a nap and managed to fall back asleep on her own. It's always a pins-and-needles game for me, so when she relaxes, it helps me relax.
In other notable news, Gia passed her swimming lesson yesterday and can now move to the Tots 2 class. Yeah for Gia! I've signed her up for the Saturday class so that Rob can take her to class (and I can sleep in). It will be so much fun climbing out of a warm bed, layered in a swimming suit, sweater, and parka, and then back again, only in a wet suit. Rob and Gia are going to really bond!!
She has taken to mimicking our every action. Yesterday I was on the receiving end of her pointing and holding her hand up to me. Something I do every day (I guess) when I tell her, "Wait, hold on, don't move. I'm [fill in the blank]." At first I thought it was a pretty bossy, gutsy thing to do, but then I realized, right, yeah, she learned it from me. Thankfully Rob and her grandparents find it humorous (for now).
A few photos are attached. Don't know if you can tell, but in one photo, I've got eight ponytails in her hair. Wonder how I got them in? Two ten minute sessions separated by an hour of play. Unfortunately it took Rob a half hour tonight to get them out in order to wash her hair. Guess we won't be doing that again for a while. In person, the ponytails were really cute. Enjoy the photos!
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