Monday, June 8, 2009

Trip "Up Nord"

Trip to Grand Marais was great, in spite of the 38-degree weather and wind that sunk the Titanic (yes, in June). You'll see Gia is a hiker in training. Also, we stopped at the World's Best Donut Shop, where predictibly, we had great donuts. We ended the trip with a visit to our favorite rock store where Gia checked out the gems for her future wedding ring (hint, all you interested parents with sons, start saving!).

1 comment:

sdfghjk said...

I'm looking to contact you to learn more about Ethiopians for Ethiopians. Specifically I'm concerned about religious undertones you mention in an earlier post. If you would contact me at
roberg_perez -at symbol- I would appreciate it greatly.

Thank you, Kevin
PS: Great blog.