Friday, February 6, 2009

Eat! Eat! Eat!

Gia has entered into a new phase of feeding, and for a while I thought it was because she was in another growth spurt....but....looks like... she just likes to eat. For example, last Friday morning she ate a bowl of Cheerios, a banana, and 4 oz. of yogurt. Two hours later, stuffed her face with Goldfish crackers. For lunch, a McDonald's hamburger, medium fry (she stold my fries), and milk. Snack after nap--Sesame crackers. Dinner--a 6" cheese Subway sandwich, more milk, and a cookie, of course. And then....there's more....she had a big hunk of Ethiopian bread with water.

At daycare, the teachers tell me she's always the first one done and typically wants seconds or thirds. She recently discovered tomato soup---and loves it. And is now eating apples, bananas, and oranges. She loves hummus (can easily down half-a-tub in one sitting) and raisins. Other than potatoes, she still turns her nose up to vegetables. But hey, at this point, I'm not complaining. Compared to six months ago, she's eating several protein sources and fruits. I can't complain.

I'm almost worried about the other problem commonly associated with overeating. Stay tuned, next week she has a physical and according to my calculations, she'll be at the ninetieth percentile for weight for her age. Where she carries this weight, I don't know. She's pretty lean and so of course I'm assuming she is genetically superior and just has a high muscle mass for her height. Hmmm, we'll see.

1 comment:

Erik said...

That's a great picture