Last Saturday night Rob, Gia and I attended a wedding. Gia did well even with the 300 guests and she was out until 8:30 pm!! (gasp) You'll find our family picture attached.
Words are starting to come now. Daddy, mamma, puppy, Quinn (pronounced "wiiin"), ice, airplane, hug, cacka (for a poopy diaper), okay, up....and a few more. The words aren't always crystal clear, but they're coming. She's so happy when she says a word we recognize---she smiles with satisfaction from ear to ear, so much so that I think her face is going to burst. We're happy with this too because it will make communicating a little easier.
I've been asked a lot how the attachment is going with Rob. It's right on par with biological families, meaning, she still prefers her mama, but she certainly will play with, hug, kiss, and go to Daddy. Rob's been doing weekend shifts to give me some relief and to help the two of them bond. So I think in all actuality, they are probably more bonded than a few biological parents where the mother does the sole parenting. Needless to say, this is a great relief for me.
Thursday we attended a shower for Gia hosted by my manager at work (thanks Indra!). It was very enjoyable, and of course everyone appropriately oo'ed and ah'ed. Up until Thursday, Gia would not go to new people at all (this is a good thing---called "stranger danger"). However, my colleague Ivette cracked the code and became the first new person Gia went to without reservation. What's the secret? Hmmm, Ivette gave Gia her cell phone---complete and full rights to all buttons---no holds bar. A shiny, flashy thing blinded my daughter and caused her to abandon all hesitation. A mama just can't compete!
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