Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Growing Up

I love this picture--she's got her hands in her pocket and she's all grow'd up.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Week 5 MileStones

This was a great week to be a working-at-home-mom (see, I'm learning new phrases). Gia made some major break throughs and we're all feeling more comfortable as a family.

1. Swimming lessons--we love them! Nothing really huge to tell you about unless your familiar with baby swim lessons. We did do our first "zoom" and she can swim on her back (with my assistance). We're working on learning how to get in and out of the pool.
2. ECFE--still ignores the other kids for the most part. I learned this is called "parallel play" and toddlers do it well.
3. Rob took care of her solo Thursday evening, Saturday, and Sunday, while I had a little free time, and well, a migraine (yuk).
4. We had 2 play dates this week, which went really well. Mostly because the weather is fabulous here right now and so we've been outside a lot every day.

In general, her social skills are improving, she's attaching well to Rob, and she's saying a few words. This week was just great and we're looking forward to more like it! Some photos we're posting:

1. I'm trying to fix her hair, and in the process, she wanted to fix my hair. So my hair looks like a bomb hit it, but we manage to get a few pony tails in hers, and I end up saturated with hair product.
2. Rob and Gia enjoying and after-bath moment. Notice her awesome Afro!3. Gia on two of her play dates. In the picture with the little boy, Thomas, they almost look like they are playing together. In the picture with the little girl, Kennedy, Gia is moving so it's blurry. Clearly Kennedy, at 3 yrs, is better at posing for photos.

Enjoy! This weekend Rob and I are going to a wedding.....hotel, ceremony, cake, guests---argh, all this social training is for this weekend! Wish us luck!

Friday, September 12, 2008

What I Like About Being a Mother

Today is our one-month anniversary marking the date we took full custody of Gia. I'm not going to lie--it hasn't been an easy month--lots of ups and downs, but we're starting to see some significant progress in our relationship. For starters, Gia is now letting Rob hold her, kiss her, hug her, and play with her--but still on her terms. We'll take it. Maybe next week or next month there will be more equal play, but for now, it's progress.

For me, though I've weathered many temper tantrums, there are still quite a few things I love. For example:

1. Waking up in the morning with Gia cuddled in the crook of my neck, with her arm wrapped across my chest. (Yes, our family co-sleeps.)

2. Rocking her to sleep--I love the smell of her hair and her warm, cuddly body wrapped in mine.

3. Tickling her and hearing her deep belly laugh.

4. Watching her give commands to the dog in her baby language.

5. Watching her pour a pitcher of water on her head in the bathtub.

6. And even though I complain about her clinginess, I secretly love when she hides behind my legs.

7. Best of all--I love watching her give Rob a kiss--it's the greatest.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Monday, September 8, 2008

Grandma's Take Care of Gia

The white fluff is Quinn, whom we also affectionately call "The Great White Shark." Clearly evident at mealtimes...

Mile Stones--Week 3

Just a quick update with a few pictures regarding last week's milestones:

1. Gia LOVES Quinn! Quinn is a great toy for getting her to stop crying!

2. Gia went to her first ECFE class last Friday and it went really well. I was afraid she wouldn't mix and mingle, but she got busy quickly discovering new toys, and well, ignored potential new friends. I did learn though that most toddlers aren't too interested in others--they're mostly interested in themselves.

3. Renee (sister-in-law) and I have started a play group on Wednesday's at 9:30 at Eden Prairie Mall at the indoor playground. Gia spent most of her first playdate in my lap, but did manage to take a few pretend rides with Addison on a miniature hotdog truck. Please join us if you can!

4. I did get her to swallow a few lentiles, but for the most part, it's still pasta, bread, crackers, and cake. I learned from some fellow Ethiopian travelers that their toddlers are also showing the same strong food preferences--obviously these foods were served often in the orphanage.

5. Big news---Rob and I got out for the first time together without Gia. Saturday was our 10th Wedding Anniversary so we had a date. Not that we did much for our date...we basically visited a few stores, sat in a parking lot and talked for an hour, and had dinner at our favorite haunt. We were back by 8:00 sharp.....pretty low key for us. The Grandmas had their first crack at babysitting, and by all counts, it went well.

Must close, but please enjoy...