Sunday, July 13, 2008


Last Friday Rob and I visited the International Travel Clinic to get prepared for our trip to Ethiopia. Not having planned the clinic visit, I was totally oblivious to as to what was in store for me, but somehow, Rob knew. Per usual, Rob showed up at the visit with his shot history back to 1988 (WHAT?), whereas, I showed up with just myself. Apparently that wasn't enough. Rob had four shots, I had seven--vacinations for Hep A, Hep B, meningitis, polio (wasn't that eradicated last century?), tetanus, yellow fever, and typhoid. No malaria pills---apparently we're staying out of the high malaria areas. We also got a prescription for the good "stuff" should we come down with the runs. I know I will, so I was willing to put up with the shots to get the goods.

How did we fare? It's Sunday and we're doing fine, but Friday and Saturday were pretty rough--nauseau and general malaise. Lucky me, I'll be going back for booster shots on Hep A and B next week, a month after we return, and at the end of the year. Hopefully I'll remember to do it!